Monday, May 30, 2011


Hey everyone! This doesn't have much to do with Indian cooking, but just cooking in general. I recently discovered a new blog called GreenSociety. It doesn't have a whole lot of posts yet, but I would stay tuned for more, because it looks pretty interesting!!! (link: )

Please remember to be green!!! If everyone does their part, it can make a big change with the environment. Obviously, you should buy local and organic ingredients, and try to cut down on your tap water use, but here are some other tips you can utilize in the kitchen...

1) Use Tupperware. All that plastic baggie and foil junk goes straight to the landfill. Tupperware is good for more than just one use and can save you money, too!
2) Cover your pots. As you're waiting for that water to boil, why not stick on a lid? It will make the water boil faster, meaning less time spent with the stove on!
3) Cut back on the stew! Slow cooked meals such as stews and braises use a lot of energy as they simmer on the stove for hours. Try meals that don't take as much energy, like lassi or a quick sandwich!
4) Get a pressure cooker. An investment like this one won't be regretted! Pressure cookers can decrease energy use by up to 70%, because they speed up cooking processes, thus using less energy!

Hope this was helpful! Look forward to a restaurant review soon! :)

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